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Sustainability in Hotels: A rising issue

Nowadays, the idea of ​​preserving our existing resources and leaving a clean future for the next generations is being adopted more and more by societies. The effects of global warming have started to show themselves not only in distant lands, but also with sudden seasonal changes and severe natural disasters. This situation increased people's interest in environmental issues and drew attention to the reckless use of plastic and energy savings in daily life.

So, how does this reflect on consumers' preferences? Is it important for businesses to have an environment-friendly approach for their customers? If we consider this issue in terms of travel businesses, according to the 2019 Travel Report, 73% of global travelers intend to stay at least once in an eco-friendly or green accommodation when looking at the year ahead. is one of the world's largest digital travel companies. According to research, over three-quarters of travelers (72%) feel that individuals must act today to save the world for future generations by making sustainable travel choices. While the findings were fairly similar across age groups, almost three-quarters of 46-55 year olds (74%) feel it is most important, followed by millennials (71%).

In the light of these findings, we can say that in today's age, people lookout for the world’s wellbeing in every activity. Thus, it is up to businesses to follow a service model that will respect this sensitivity of their consumers. This is of great importance both for the world we live in and their business line. Protecting our existing resources and putting sustainability first is a strategy that will have financial and moral benefits in the long run.

As it is known, hotels have a huge energy expenditure potential. According to Energy Solutions, energy is the second-largest spending area for a hotel after employees, accounting for 3% to 6% of hotel operating costs and nearly 60% of CO2 emissions. This energy expenditure can be reduced to a minimum if the right ways are followed.

  • Using solar panels for heating and electricity.

  • Preferring LED for lighting.

  • Using materials such as paper and ceramics following the hotel's concept instead of disposable plastic.

  • Contributing to small businesses by supplying products from local businesses.

  • Using special shower and faucet systems in order to reduce both energy and water consumption.

  • Washing the bed linen and guests' towels only when they want to, instead of washing them daily. Thus, preventing unnecessary water and energy consumption.

  • Choosing the dishes to be served with seasonal and regional products. Making sure fresh and organic presentations, beneficial to both the location and nature, are being offered to the guests.

At this time when environmental awareness is increasing day by day, businesses can respond to this sensitivity of their guests with such methods. It is important to always emphasize that your hotel follows a green policy in creating consumer perception. Campaigns can be made on this subject, such as training employees, conducting social responsibility projects, and contributing to the environment. By opening an area for local products in your business, you can support locals and encourage consumers for a new and sustainable lifestyle.

It is possible to leave a cleaner and more livable world to future generations. In this regard, businesses, and especially large businesses, have greater responsibilities than individuals. If it is indeed possible to achieve this, why aren't we trying it?

Why aren't we making the conscious choice of implementing Sustainable practices in both personal and professional settings?

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