Post COVID19 Hospitality Framework
Decalogue for Hospitality Recovery & Hotel Reopening Checklist
There is perhaps no bigger learning in the travel industry today than how to recover from COVID19. Given the pandemic health, social and economical consequences on the travel industry, it only makes sense that it would eventually become a challenge for hoteliers as well.
Even though it is a pandemic, countries are recovering at different speed. For those countries that are slowly reopening borders and reactivating the tourism activity, the European Sustainable Hospitality Club team has created the Decalogue for Hospitality Recovery (DHR) and the Hotel Reopening Checklist (HRC).
The intention is to support hospitality leaders with the recovery process, that inevitably, focuses on safety for the travel experience. This is pivotal to acquire new business travellers as well as leisure guests and meeting the demands of undeniably safety concerned travellers.
In this report, we focus on addressing ten aspects about the recovery strategy: Together, Trust, Technology, Tracing, Transparency, Taxes, Tests, Tasks, Trends and Timing.
Using these perspectives, we synthesise ten components that make up the new definition of the post-covid19 Hospitality Industry , and end the report by laying out the hotel reopening checklist best practices for health and safety and minimising risks for hospitality stakeholders.
Creation Date
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Last Update
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Key Outcomes
What you will learn from this report is:
1. What steps you can take to ensure a healthy and safe environment in your hotel.
2. A holistic approach to industry recovery & sixteen best practices for operations.
3. Who the stakeholders are in health and safety protocols and how stakeholders can play a role.
4. The importance of public-private partnerships and “clean and safe” certification to reopen the business activity.